Before Buying Progressive Lenses: Things You Need To Know

Before you consider getting or upgrading progressive lenses, there are a few things you should know.

First, you should know the story behind progressive lenses. Where did they come from? Why are there so many choices? The story of eye glass technology is not just neat, it can help you understand which, of the over 650 varieties, is best for you.

Second, you need to know that all new developments in lenswear have had certain drawbacks that consumers had to “learn to live with.” For example, the first few versions of bifocals were great for eliminating the need to carry around multiple pairs of glasses, but wearers were continually disoriented by image jump. Similarly, the first introduction of progressive lenses had the by-product of a dizzy, off-balance sensation. Today, some brands of progressive lenses still come with the bewildering feeling. The “wow” factor of instantly improving vision has always come with a derivative condition that consumers have coped with.

…until now.

The See-All End-All

Finally, a team of engineers and doctors so determined to find the “perfect solution” have managed to develop a series of products that eliminates the three most common complaints of the progressive lenswear community.

  • The off-balance feeling described earlier, also called the “swim effect”, has been nixed by the Varilux S series, because the Nanoptix Technology employed lets light waves through the many re-engineered optical elements that make up the lens surface. The result? Enhanced spatial perception and improved retinal matching as your eyes calculate data from edge to edge. Since the swim effect only happens when you’re moving, every day activities are fun once again, from joining the family for a bike ride to landscaping and other hobbies that were previously interrupted by this distracting sensation.
  • Another complaint of people wearing progressive lenses is the inability to see well in low light, particularly dining out in the evening or observing a sunset. Customers find themselves squinting or searching for a flashlight app while those nearby see things clearly. Varilux scientists, again, have found the solution with W.A.V.E. Technology, put to work in the highly popular Varilux Comfort lens. What makes W.A.V.E. Technology unique is its optimization for threepupil diameters, while other brands of progressive lenses aren’t customized to any. That means your pupil can work to consume information in any light condition, and while observing objects at any distance – and only lenses that have been designed using the W.A.V.E. Technology can make it happen.
  • Finally, Varilux Physio lenses are premium progressive lenses that use the triple-patented Binocular Booster. While it might sound more like a super power than a vision technology, the Binocular Booster is no joke. Developing a custom calculation for each lens, this technology lets your eyes work together as a team the way they originally meant to, instead of independently. This way you can see near objects and far away objects clearly – without needing any transition. The Varilux Physio Enhanced lenses also use the W.A.V.E. technology, so that superior vision is also possible in low-light.

The market is supersaturated with progressive lens options, and while doing your homework is smart, you’ll quickly be overwhelmed with the volume of sub-par products available. Superstores and online retailers will do their best to grab your attention, but remember, they don’t know you – your lifestyle, your history, and your desire for the best vision without any side-effects.

Your eye doctor has done the homework for you, and a quick conversation with him can change the future of your vision as you shop for your next pair of eyeglasses.

Would you like to talk to someone about progressive lenses? Enter your information below and one of our patient care advocates will reach out to you or you can call us at 770-394-4000.