Author: woodhamseyedev

Excellent question! You should definitely discuss this with your eye doctor well in advance of any surgery. Past vision history and understanding your vision priorities are important in getting you the best results with cataract/lens implant surgery. There simply is no one "best IOL" (IntraOcular Lens). Furthermore, noIOL can reproduce the...

There are two conventions used among eye doctors on how to notate a typical glasses prescription: minus cylinder or plus cylinder. They are functionally the same (at least at the level of accuracy required in spectacle lenses). In effect, it depends on whether you measure from...

This is a very common question eye doctors are asked. The number ratio "20/20 or 20/40 etc." is a measurement of visual acuity. If your visual acuity is not 20/20, it can be from pathology (like cataract) or it can be from what we call "refractive error" e.g. nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness -which are not...

This is a very common question eye doctors are asked. The number ratio "20/20 or 20/40 etc." is a measurement of visual acuity. If your visual acuity is not 20/20, it can be from pathology (like cataract) or it can be from what we call "refractive error" e.g. nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness -which are not...

This is a very common question eye doctors are asked. The number ratio "20/20 or 20/40 etc." is a measurement of visual acuity. If your visual acuity is not 20/20, it can be from pathology (like cataract) or it can be from what we call "refractive error" e.g. nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness -which are not...